01.燒餅 Clay oven rolls / sesame seed cake(bread)
02.油條 Fried bread stick / Deep-fried twisted dough sticks
03.韭菜盒 Fried leek dumplings
04.蔥油餅 Green onion pancake
05.水餃 Boiled dumplings / Dumplings
06.蒸餃 Steamed dumplings
07.鍋貼 Potstickers / Fried dumplings
08.饅頭 Steamed buns
09.小籠包 Small steamed dumplings
10.割包 Steamed sandwich
11.飯糰 Rice and vegetable roll
12.蛋餅 Egg cakes
13.皮蛋 100-year egg / Black egg / Thousand-year-old egg /
Preserved eggs / Peedan eggs
14.鹹鴨蛋 Salted duck egg / 鹹蛋 salty egg
15.豆漿 Soybean milk / soy milk
16.米漿 Rice & peanut milk
01.白飯 Plain white rice
02.炒飯 Fried Rice
03.蛋炒飯 Fried rice with egg
04.油飯 Glutinous oil rice
05.糯米飯 Glutinous rice / Sticky rice
06.滷肉飯 Chopped Meat and Rice / Braised pork rice
07.瓜仔肉 Steamed Minced Pork with Pickles
08.稀飯 Rice porridge / Congee
09.地瓜粥 Sweet potato congee
10.廣東粥 Cantonese porridge
01.餛飩麵 Wonton & noodles
02.刀削麵 Sliced noodles
03.麻辣麵 Spicy hot noodles
04.麻醬麵 Sesame paste noodles
05.鴨肉麵 Duck with noodles / Duck noodles
06.鵝肉麵 Goose with noodles
07.鱔魚麵 Eel noodles
08.烏龍麵 Seafood noodles
09.蚵仔麵線 Oyster thin noodles
10.板條 Flat noodles
11.米粉 Rice noodles
12.炒米粉 Fried rice noodles
13.炒麵 Fried Noodles(Chow Mein)
14.冬粉 Green bean noodle 炒冬粉 Fried Bean Noodles
15.榨菜肉絲麵 Pork , pickled mustard green noodles /
Noodles with pork and spicy vegetables
16.切仔麵 Soup Noodles / 擔仔麵 Tann-ah noodle
01.魚丸湯 Fish ball soup
02.貢丸湯 Meat ball soup
03.蛋花湯 Egg & vegetable soup / Egg-drop soup
04.蛤蜊湯 Clams soup
05.蚵仔湯 Oyster soup
06.紫菜湯 Seaweed soup
07.酸辣湯 Sweet & sour soup
08.餛飩湯 Wonton soup
09.豬腸湯 Pork intestine soup
10.肉羹湯 Pork thick soup
11.花枝湯 Squid soup
12.花枝羹 Squid thick soup
13.雞蓉玉米湯 Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup
14.紫菜蛋花湯 Egg and Seaweed Soup
15.青菜豆腐湯 Tofu and Vegetable Soup
16.鹹菜肚片湯 Saltede Vegetable and Tripe Soup
美國人對湯的概念與中國人不同。他們的 soup 就是我們的羹。我們的湯其實是他們的 broth。煮菜時放的雞湯就是 chicken broth。
01.菜脯蛋 Radish Omelet
02.肉醬豆腐 Tofu with Meat Sauce
03.雪菜魚卷 Steamed Fish Rolls with Vegetables
04.煎魚 Fried Fish
05.豆油魚 Soy Sauce Fish
06.生蒸魚 Steamed Fish
07.烤鰻 Grilled Eel
08.桂花蟳 Fried Crab with Egg
09.鹽穌蟳塊 Salt and Pepper Crab
10.雞絲海蜇 Shredded Chicken and Jellyfish
11.蒜絨田雞 Deep Fried Frogs with Garlic
12.走油田雞 Fried Frog with Onion
13.炸雞塊 Deep Fried Chicken
14.三杯雞 Three Cups Chicken
15.鹹菜大腸 Salted Vegetables with Pig Intestines
16.麻油腰花 Stir Fried Pork Kidneys with Sesame Oil
17.肉醬茄子 Minced Pork with Eggplant
18.魚下巴 Fish chin
19.生炒苦瓜 Fried Bitter Melon
20.炒大蛤 Fried Clams
21.時菜花枝 Fried Squid with Vegetables
22.白灼蝦 Boiled Shrimp
23.紫菜蝦卷 Deep Fried Shrimp Rolls in Seaweed
24.生蒸小龍蝦 Steamed Lobster
25.蔭鼓蚵 Fried Oysters in Black Bean Sauce
26.炒雜碎 Chop suey
01.蚵仔煎 Oyster omelet
02.棺材板 Coffin
03.臭豆腐 Stinky tofu
04.油豆腐 Oily bean curd
05.天婦羅 Tenpura
06.蝦片 Prawn cracker
07.蝦球 Shrimp balls 炸蝦球 Deep Fried Shrimp Balls
08.春捲 Spring rolls
09.雞捲 Chicken rolls 雞卷 Meat Rolls with Onion
10.蚵卷 Oyster Rolls
11.芋餅 Deep Fried Taro Balls
12.芋棗 Deep Fried Taro and Egg Yolk Balls
13.花枝丸 Deep Fried Squid Balls
14.肉圓 Taiwanese Meatballs
15.肉丸 Meat ball
16.豆干 Dried tofu
01.碗糕 Salty rice pudding
02.筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding
03.珍珠肉丸 Rice-meat dumplings
04.紅豆糕 Red bean cake
05.綠豆糕 Bean paste cake
06.豬血糕 Pigs blood cake
07.糯米糕 Glutinous rice cakes
08.芋頭糕 Taro cake
09.蘿蔔糕 Fried white radish patty / Turnip cake
10.大腸包小腸 Small intestine in large intestine
11.糯米腸 Sweet rice sausage
12.香腸 Chinese sausage
13.麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curd
14.水晶餃 Pyramid dumplings
15.春捲 Spring Rolls
16.潤餅 Mixed Vegetable Roll
17.滷味 Soy sauce-flavored delicacies
01.愛玉 Vegetarian gelatin
02.糖葫蘆 Tomatoes on sticks
03.長壽桃 Longevity Peaches
04.芝麻球 Glutinous rice sesame balls / Sesame ball
05.麻花 Hemp flowers
06.雙胞胎 Horse hooves
07.雞蛋布丁 Egg Pudding
08.冰糖蓮子 Lotus Seeds with Crystal Sugar
09.豆花 Tofu pudding
01.刨冰 Shaved ice with syrup
02.綿綿冰 Mein mein ice
03.麥角冰 Oatmeal ice
04.地瓜冰 Sweet potato ice
05.八寶冰 Eight treasures ice
06.紅豆牛奶冰 Red bean with milk ice
01.甘蔗汁 Sugar cane juice
02.酸梅汁 Plum juice
03.楊桃汁 Star fruit juice
04.青草茶 Herb juice
05.珍珠奶茶的珍珠 tapioca pearls / boba
06.珍珠奶茶 Rearl Milk Tea / Bubble tea / Boba tea /
Pearl milk tea bubble tea with pearl /
Bubble milk tea
07.木瓜牛奶 Papaya Milk
01.當歸鴨 Angelica duck
02.檳榔 Betel nut
03.小魚花生 Small Fried Fish with Peanuts
04.沙茶醬 Satay sauce
05.蝦米 Dried shrimp
06.洋菜絲 Shredded agar
07.豬肉乾 Pork jerky
01.淡水:阿給 Oily Bean Curd(Ah Gei) / Stuffed Brown Tofu
鐵蛋 Iron-hard Preserved Egg / Iron egg
魚酥 Fried Fish Crackers
02.宜蘭:鴨賞 Smoked Duckling(Ya Shang)
03.新竹:米粉 Rice Noodles(Min Fan)
貢丸湯 Meat Ball Soup(Gong Wan Tang)
魚丸湯 Fish Ball Soup(Yu Wan Tang)
04.嘉義:雞肉飯 Turkey Rice(Chi Ro Fan)
05.屏東:豬腳 Pigs' Feet(Ju Jau)
06.南投:竹筒飯 Bamboo Shoot Soup(Ju Tong Fan)
07.台南:棺材板 Coffin Bread(Kuan Tsai Ban)
擔仔麵 Tan Tzai Noodles(Tan Tzai Mien)
08.彰化:肉圓 Rice-Meat Dumplings(Ma Wan)
09.花蓮:麻糬 Sticky Rice Cakes(Mua Chee)
10.台中:太陽餅 Sun Cake(Tai Yang Bi)
11.基隆:泡泡冰 Pau Pau Ice(Pau Pau Bing)
12.九份:芋圓 Yam or Taro Balls(Yu Yuen)
- Dec 03 Mon 2007 19:25